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A b o u t

In May 2022, Sungji Hong received an Charles Ives Fellowship from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

The citation read:

"In her musical compositions such as Prismatic for piano and orchestra and Lux Mundi for chamber ensemble, prolific and versatile Korean-American composer Sungji Hong embraces multiple cultures and global ideologies which manifests in distinctive, evocative sonorities allied to convincing forms. At times complex and at times straightforward, her passionate music uses precise timbres to unfold dramatic, virtuoso gestures, iridescent colors, and vivid, atmospheric auras".

To read more about Sungji click here.

Allan Kozinn, The New York Times (30 March 2007)

“In Ms. Hong’s setting the antique influences were melodic, and the harmonies and fluid dynamics modern”
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